“Going through The Artist’s Way made me dream again.” - Allie Mondell
If you’ve spent much time around creative people, you’ve probably heard of The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron—or if not The Artist’s Way, perhaps two of the basic tools: morning pages and artist’s dates.
Cameron has written a series of books designed to help people uncover their creative dreams and prioritize their creativity. The books are designed as twelve-week programs and are powerful tools for your creative life.
“It put my creativity front and center for a very focused season and provided encouragement for my creative endeavors. I felt more confident in sharing new things because it was a safe place for those little creative seedlings.” -
For twelve weeks, you’ll peel back the layers of to-do lists, deadlines, and logistics and remember what makes you come alive.
You’ll dig deep to remember what you love and who you truly are at your core.
The tasks and reading explore themes such as recovering a sense of identity, possibility, and abundance.
And—I don’t say this lightly—the experience can be life-changing if you let it.
“Participating in Laura and Laura's Artist's Way cohort was transformative for me!!! Highly recommend!” —
You’ve got to commit and stick with it, but if you do, I think you’ll be surprised at what comes out of it.
You’ll find your voice again—not the voice of your employer, the responsible adult, or the last person you did a project for—but your true, authentic voice.
Several years ago,
and I decided to go through The Artist’s Way together to hold each other accountable. The experience was so impactful, we decided we couldn’t keep it to ourselves! We’ve been leading small groups of women through The Artist’s Way ever since. Then, when our Artist’s Way cohort participants were begging for another cohort, we added Walking in The World. (The third book in the series is Finding Water, and we’ll be doing a cohort around that book in January 2025!)“I did The Artist’s Way Cohort in January and it BLEW MY MIND! 5 out of 5 stars.” -
Our fall cohorts are open for registration and we only have a few spots left! Walking in This World kicks off on August 25 and The Artist’s Way on September 2.
We’ve heard from previous participants that they have discovered new things about their creativity, experienced creative breakthroughs, and shifted their perspectives on their art.
“Every element of the program — the group itself, the readings and tasks, the AM pages, the walks and Artist's Dates, and the Slack conversations and Zoom calls — was inspiring and helped build my confidence as a writer. Seeing others in the cohort try new creative outlets encouraged me to take risks, too, from trying a new medium (hand-lettering) to finally beginning work on a piece of fiction that may or may not become a novel.” - Rebecca Moran
Ready to jump in? You can join one of fall cohorts by clicking here.
Want to know more? Keep reading!
“It gave me a new boost of courage. For a while now, I've been in a decent writing rhythm with healthy expectations of both my strengths and limitations of my writing life. But going through WITW with a group of women who are creating alongside me, gave me the courage to keep pursuing the creative work amidst the chaos of some major life changes.” -
Accountability and encouragement are invaluable as you work through the twelve-week program. Doing either The Artist’s Way or Walking in this World as a small group means you have others to walk with you during this journey.
“Hands down the most valuable part for me was the accountability and the community aspect of participating in a group. I love the connections that I made due to this experience.” - Kim Locke
Want to know more about our experiences with the Artist’s Way? You can read about some of them here, here, and here.
Have you ever wondered what inspired us to start our Creative Cohorts?
: I’m inspired by people who go after what they want, and completing The Artist’s Way was something I really wanted to do. If you know about Gretchen Rubin’s 4 Tendencies, I’m what’s called an Obliger—I respond well to outer expectations (deadlines or doing something for someone else), but I struggle to meet inner expectations, such as goals for myself. Doing The Artist’s Way with Laura was a way for me to prove to myself that I am capable of sticking with something, and I learned so much about myself over the 12 week program. Full disclosure: I had attempted starting the book two times on my own, and the habit didn’t take. Accountability was everything!
: I’d had the book sitting on my bookshelf for a couple of months (sent to me by a generous Exhale member who received two for Christmas one year!) when Laura mentioned the idea of working through it together. I knew a little about it, and had tried morning pages before, but I was in a spot where I was struggling to prioritize creative time for myself, and I hoped this would be the push I needed to do that—and it was!
We started vocalizing a dream of facilitating a group to go through the book together, and before long, our Creative Cohorts were born!
We can’t wait to start our 5th round of cohorts in a few weeks! Come join us!
Yes!! i would recommend this to anyone!
Loved seeing a big of the backstory to these cohorts and reading the testimonies of so many!